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Thank you for your interest in partnering with True Crime Detective! As a growing platform dedicated to in-depth, thoughtful explorations of true crime, we offer unique opportunities to reach a passionate audience of readers and true crime enthusiasts.

Why Advertise with Us?

True Crime Detective is more than just a true crime website—we are a trusted source for well-researched, engaging content. Our readers are dedicated to uncovering the complexities of the criminal world, and your brand could be part of their journey.

Our website attracts traffic from a highly engaged audience, with users actively seeking content that dives deep into the historical, sociological, and psychological aspects of crime. In addition, our growing social media presence across Facebook and Twitter offers further opportunities to connect with a loyal and engaged community of true crime fans.

Advertising Options

  1. Website Advertising
    • We offer advertising placements on our main website, where readers come to learn about our latest investigations and deep-dive case studies. Options include banner ads, sidebar ads, or sponsored posts integrated within our content.
    • Pricing:
      • Banner Ad: £75 per month
      • Sidebar Ad: £50 per month
      • Sponsored Post: £100 per post
  2. Social Media Collaborations
    • While currently small, we are a growing platform and offer the opportunity to promote your brand through targeted social media campaigns. We’re open to collaborations that include promoted posts, shout-outs, and joint giveaways to help get your message out to our audience.
    • Pricing:
      • Facebook Post: £50 per post
      • BlueSky Post: £30 per post
      • Both: £65 per campaign
  3. Custom Partnerships
    • We are open to exploring custom partnerships, including longer-term collaborations, product sponsorships, or branded content. If you’re looking to build a more tailored advertising strategy with True Crime Detective, please get in touch to discuss options that align with your goals.

Why Choose Us?

  • Targeted Audience: Our audience is passionate about true crime, making them an ideal demographic for brands related to books, podcasts, documentaries, security, or anything related to mystery and investigation.
  • Affordable Pricing: We understand that every penny counts, especially for smaller businesses. Our rates are designed to be affordable while offering high value, ensuring that even with a modest budget, your brand can reach an engaged audience.
  • Flexibility: Whether you’re interested in short-term ads or ongoing collaborations, we can accommodate your needs.

Get in Touch

Ready to advertise with True Crime Detective? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us at to discuss the perfect package for your business. We look forward to helping your brand reach a wider audience and grow alongside us.

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